FORM: Much like Byron Bay itself, this team is a tale of two worlds. There's a bunch of people that can be politely described as washed up has-beens (there, that should set the blood boiling!), and then there's these three crazy teenagers. Well, then there's also some nice folk in between, naturally. Saturday afternoon, this team will conquer all. Saturday morning – I'm not sure they'll be all there. Sunday, anything can happen – see below.
I have been told to expect some flashy new outfits. These could be the only thing that can save the team's credibility after someone came up with it's dull name. 'The Pass'? Wtf?
PARTY: The Pass may not be the most conspicuous of partyers – generally they're supping their drinks, playing pool, hanging onto the wall and such. But they will be there when the sun comes up. Then they'll go for a surf, grab a nap at the fields, and wake up about 10 minutes before their first game.
TRIVIA: I should insert here a plug for Badman's Birthday Tournament.
TIP: 14th, buts mostly because I've boxed myself into a corner with my other tips! Will probably do a lot better than that. There, I've probably saved myself from a thrashing.
The Pass
As in 'Pass the Dutchie'?
I was informed last night that the Pass is a reference to a sweet surfing spot at Byron.
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