You might have thought the wheels of this Halibut Previewing would have fallen off by now, but an approach by an adoring fan at YUFL last night has reinvigorated, I say reinvigorated me.
FORM: This team is hard to write a preview for. You see because I know pretty much all of them some way or other. And more scarily, they know me - the teams I play for, where I live, etc. Why scary? Well, anyone can tell you that in Brisbane Ultimate terms, Mind the Gap are really the equivalent of the Sicilian Mafia. You know, the Secret Society, the Cosa Nostrila, the Black Huck, the Honoured Society. Many Brisbanites see these people not as dangerous criminals, but as role models and protectors.
Obviously I have put something seriously on the line in even typing such things, so since I'm being stupid, let's put it all out there. The Gap Ritual happens when a new player becomes an associate, and then, a soldier (Shawn Robb is currently an associate or Wise-Guy, while Beth Rougier is his soldier). As described by former Don Stephano Camerono (currently upstate at Dojo Prison) to judge Giovanni Falcone, the neophyte is brought together with at least three "handlers of honour" of the family and the oldest member present warns him that "this House" is meant to protect the weak against the abuse of the powerful; he then pricks the finger of the initiate and spills his blood onto a sacred frisbee, usually a QUDA one. The image is placed in the hand of the initiate and lit on fire. The neophyte must withstand the pain of the burning melting plastic, passing the image from hand to hand, until the image has been consumed, while swearing to keep faith with the principles of "Cosa Nostrila," solemnly swearing "may my flesh burn like this goddess if I fail to keep my oath, or drop the disc. However, stupid hucks to contests in the endzone are always worth it."
Halibut 2007 may be a difficult transition for Mind the Gap, with the seeming retirement to his country estate of the former Capo di tutti i capi (or 'Boss of All Bosses') Bruce McNaughton. Expect to see the various Capo Bastones (Sandra 'Fingers' Poon and her associate, 'Lucky' Mat Ryan; Buzz 'Chris' Burwell; Jason 'the Scalpel' Ray; and 'Doirty' Gen Healy) battle for control of the family. Mind the Gap also employ an array of Consiglieres (hit-men) such as Sean 'Golf-Club' Flannigan, Jenny 'Just Mean' Beard and Ruebeuno the Deadly.
PARTY: Stepping back into reality, Mind the Gap's party squad will be very light on, but its worth noting there's a fair chance Tony Ross will be drunk by lunchtime. Go FAT TONY! GO!!
TIP: 2nd. Despite high potential for injury and having to watch the kids, the depth and experience will get them to the final.
ps Don't forget to checkout the 2005 Mind the Gap squad at http://brisbaneultimatedisc.blogspot.com/2007/06/halibut-worth-playing.html
Nice post. But I can't believe you didn't mention the meanest, toughest, most dangerous Italiano mofo in the MTG lineup - Al 'the Don' Don!
There'll be no talk about bringing a knife to a gunfight - Al's bulletproof, teflon-coated and has two cannons for arms!
Seriously, he's going to kick seventeen different kinds of ass!
Love the gap-toothed chickie
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