Thursday, September 22, 2011

WFDF Introduces New Antidoping Rules

WFDF have announced its new Antidoping rules. If you are representing Australia, you'll need to be familiar with them. The press release at the bottom of the link below does a good job of explaining the various perspectives our sport has had in taking this on.

Anyone want to place bets on when Ultiamte's first international doping scandal will occur, and how big a deal it will be?


Anonymous said...

Let's hope no-one from Slamtown represents Australia then

Anonymous said...

Can't be arsed reading, but there's something about 'performance enhancing' in there, which doesn't fit with Slamtown at all.

Jangles said...

Its the heckle enhancing that you have to watch out for with slamtown. Those boys bring smack like wall street traders.