Monday, May 23, 2011

Cairns Ultimate Better Than Brisbane Ultimate? Say It Isn't So!

Cairns Ultimate is enjoying massive media attention, at least what rates for massive media attention in their fine, North Queensland city.

We for one love the repeated use of 'catchy'. Gonna have to use that one.

Drop the article a comment if you care about Ultimate in Queensland! :)

Is it also possible that Jamie has grown even taller than when some of us met him at Regionals back in February?


Rick said...

My favourite part of "Why it's catchy" is "Australian team is called the Dingos".

Anonymous said...

off topic, but why is the quda website so shit?

Starky said...

Because every time someone comments shit anonymously, another ultimate blogger dies.

dstrel said...

Is it?

When compared with the AFDA and BUML websites (but not!) it looks great!

Sean said...

But it does need updating, a decent example is Ultimate Victoria (

dstrel said...

I agree, Sean, I was over on the other day - looks great and actually useful!

megzz said...

Its "shit" because no-one has volunteered to manage and update it and QUDA has not allocated resources ($$$) to do so, unlike ultimate victoria which Timull re-did in his spare time/ as a paid worker for the VFDA/with a vested interest in promoting Ultimate in Victoria.

dstrel said...

How good's Timull :)