Monday, May 02, 2011

Be Subversive

ALright you unworthy peasant dogs, get your filthy fingers on the keyboard and type, or if you are too uneducated to type, click this link that the Empire provides for you with your measly tax-payer denarii.

A new insurrectionist has arisen in the land of the BUMl, but I can assure you he has blue blood running in his veins. He will no doubt be bringing the embarrassing infrastructure screaming into the 21st century.

It's time to show your pleb power. Do it.


adam said...

holy crap, I can scarcely believe my eyes... it has structure! the links work! punctuation!

Although Dysp. have played more than 3 games....I'm sure it'll all get ironed out.

fight the power.


Carl said...

ads send it your results and theyll be filled in

Carl said...


Coops said...

Yeah nice one 'Michael', lovely looking structure, for once we can actually read the draw & results!!!

Btw, who is this elusive 'Michael' character mentioned on the site?

dstrel said...

Michael Bolton, formerly of Initech. "PC Load Letter"? What the fuck does that mean?