Monday, March 08, 2010

Ultimate Needs A Ball. Yeah, That's It!

We heard or read recently the old line "Ultimate would be more legitimate if it had referees."

The issue of what is legitimacy and what such thing means for Ultimate is perhaps a topic for a much longer post, and you'll forgive us if we don't go there today.

But this kind of thinking seems to come from a mindset of "What do sports that seem to be more legitimate have that Ultimate doesn't? THAT must be the reason Ultimate doesn't seem as legitimate", and of course one of the more obvious things is a lack of on-field officials.

The easiest way to give the one-line slap down to anyone who runs the line "Ultimate would be more legitmate if it had referees" is to say "Yeah, and a ball. All the legitimate team sports have balls in them. Ultimate should use some sort of ball."

Ultimate needs referees like it needs a ball.

That should sort them out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If thats the case Ultimate players should all just become Netball players instead