Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Clubbin' the Squeals

Since blogging about blogging about Ultimate seems to be the top topic at the moment, we figure this is a timely time to get the chrome-plated fully-automatic whacking stick ("Oh whacking day, oh whacking day") from above the front door here at stately Brisbane Ultimate Blog mansion, and take a look through the blog-roll that we cheerfully maintain down the right side of this here blog.

To help guide this periodic cull, we're even setting a poll over there on the top right too! Imagine the baby-seal eyes of Tiger or Simmo looking up at you as you vote and metaphorically bring the club down.

No, we're not power mad and overwhelmed with our own awesomeness at all!

Comments as always are welcome.


Dan said...

Canberra Ultimate ... goodbye.

wetnose said...

Cultimate? No thanks

Rog said...


I might do a cull of my own.