Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Spirit of Ultimate in Disrepute Again!

It's time to fire up that crusty old debate again and potentially summons Sensei back to the blogosphere. The questions in the past have included

What is an average spirit score?
What is a good spirit score?
What is the criteria for a good or bad spirit score?

In the BPL, we had a gentlemen's agreement that the starting point was 8. At nationals, someone, presumably Matt, provided us with 4 criterion, including knowledge and use of the rules, fair play, etc, etc (I don't remember them all).

8 as a starting point was fine, until Buggers decided that they didn't use 8 as a starting point (so I'm told). At Nationals, my team "Quoll", decided that 5 was an average score. With 5 as an average score, I don't know how a team gets a 10 for use and knowledge of the rules..

Quoll won spirit, and I imagine that we gave some of the lowest spirit scores due to our low average that we worked from.

In BUML, my team has given a few 10's for what I thought was pretty standard spirit. If 10/10 is the standard, how do you give credit to an extra spirited team? It makes the scale quite negative.

It is the view of Your Humble Blogger, that a Swiss Spirit Scale should be embraced as standard. Nathan uses this scale when he TD's. It's a scale from -2 to +2, with 0 as the average. You can award 1 or 2 points for good spirit, or take 1 or 2 points for bad spirit. This seems to be a more consistent and objective way of measuring "spirit".


Huddy said...

I agree, that does seem like a good system.
I imagine a pertinent question would also be, does spirit matter? the obvious answer is yes, but when it's not mentioned on the AFDA website alongside Nationals champions. Does anyone really care?

Anonymous said...

This blog has already taught me everything I need to know about spirit scoring.

OldManTrev said...

I would like to see a Swiss spirit system

Jules said...

See JdR's post which makes the very good point that it isn't really the score that matters but rather the process and discussion generated in arriving at a score.

But yea Im all for the -2 to +2 scale.

Anonymous said...

Never understood starting on 8. How can you have 'average' spitit so high on the scale? Shouldn't average be 5/6?