Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Double The Posting Power!

With JdR stubbornly settling into his granny-flat like a bad smell that won't go away (ala my Heroes shirt), the need for autonomy has arisen. Like any good family, especially those with political influence (ala Gaddafi and his sons), we do not discuss our personal opinions with one another and congruency is often lacking and publicly misunderstood.

Being of Old Royal Stock, JdR insists on using the "royal we". This throws matters into further confusion, and it should be understood that by we, he means me (as in him). Get it? I didn't think so.

So while JdR will use the royal we to represent himself, I will most likely use some stupid phrase like "Your Emperor" or when I'm being really cocky "Your Humble Narrator" (ala A Clockwork Orange, YHN), with capitals and all to demonstrate my understanding of true humility.

End Post.


Michael said...

I appreciate the tags for this post.

dstrel said...

Tags and in text linking utilises cross-referencing, which is a very handy tool for humour.

dstrel said...

Something you may not know, Michael, is that "Double The Posting Power!" is a post title from 2007 which for some bloody reason, gets multiple views every week and is our most frequented post of all time.

It came at a(n) historic time when JdR was invited to post by BUB creator Ruben Berg.