Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Know Your Demographic (for the 13%)

Rule #1 of Black Betty - You do not talk about Black Betty.

Rule #2 of Black Betty - In order to divert media attention, put out a press release (aka. propaganda), like so:

Black Betty is a Brisbane team, and we are proud as to be representing our home state of Queensland in the women’s division of this year’s AUC. Founded in 2009, Black Betty is built on slick rock anthems, shiny muscle cars and an abiding love for a good hard game of Ultimate. 2011 promises to be a big year for the growth of this hungry young club. Along with racking up some serious air miles hitting almost every interstate warm-up tournament on offer, we are also very excited to be sharing this year’s national championships with our training buddies and clubmates, Red Betty.

Speaking of diversion tactics, head over to the official AUC2011 website to see I-Beam talk themselves down!

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