Monday, April 14, 2008

Historical Imagery for Education of Masses

Just cleaning out some space - here's some old pics.

Portaloo Ultimate from 'Share the Love' 2006:

Stolen from somewhere, but still valid:
Red Peppers Mellow Yellow 2007:
Halibut Logo for 2002:Sexy Crusaders - Brisbane Ultimate League winners back in 2003 I think?
Queensland Men's Teams, Nationals 2003:
Dom and Jon back in 2003?
Not really sure what's going on here:
Halibut 2002 Winners:

Sultry 2005 I think?

Flaming Galahs at Pub 2005, starring the transglobal Dan Berry:


Jangles said...

nice to see dom hasnt changed much just missing a bit of hair and takes a bit longer to get up but still just as awesome as ever. Dom for Challahan!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that photo of Bruce, Ferg, a pumpkin, Matt E, Will Mitchell and the obligatory young ladies is from Mixed Nationals 2003, when that legendary Queensland Team "Navel Aviators" took to Albert Park (and even moreso to the nearby Melbourne nightspots).

There should also be a photo somewhere of Sara Cargill (with hair) in a blood-splattered lab coat, and Emma Bendall similarly regaled (some sort of naughty nurse look - or maybe I'm just making that up now). I think Will's nude stint on the field scared the rest of the girls off...

Berry7 said...
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Berry7 said...

Great pic. You'll pleased to know that not much has changed. We still call on the spirit of Mother Goose when it all goes wrong and we start throwing hammers for no real reason. We still can't dump and swing or put on a force. But then you were our original teacher. ;)

We will win tour this year though. FACT. (maybe)