Thursday, February 07, 2008

Stoß Tag

Time for our fortnightly turn away from the unglaublitchy world of Brisbane Ultimate, and report on last night's Hump Day efforts. Or should I say, Stoß Tag efforts, as this time around we were at the German Club next to the fabled 'Gabba cricket ground.

Geography was both a pro and a con this time around. The pro of course was that German is famous as the land of beer, and beer there was, all at reasonable prices. The con was the German Club being a little harder to get to than places in the CBD - and this was compounded by the torrential rail that came across Brisbane, giving Shagger and his Sultry Lady, along with Runeo and I, a bit more trouble getting there than usual.

Disappointingly, the Engine Room and the Skipper were unable to attend - the former is on some sort of crazy 'no alcohol' month (note how he picks the shortest month though), and the latter on some sort of overseas junket. The vast selection of beers at the German Club would've driven their little connoisseur brains quite mad. As it was, for once I was able to put in some extended dark ale joy on and not have to deal with multiple jugs of flavour before me.

Bit more on the Engine - apparently he's celebrating his engagement the day he comes off his no alcohol binge - I suspect the lack of training will limit his fortitude on the night.

Food was ok - nothing special. You could sense the atmosphere would be great there on a busy night though.

Still, a very pleasant evening!

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