Thursday, June 14, 2007

Visiting Townsville

I'm in Townsville for work meetings on Monday, so decided to get flown up Sunday for a look around. But I can't seem to send email to the Townsville yahoogroup (is there a moderator who's away or something? Or am I banned?).

Alas, my number-one-with-a-big-manly-bullet guide to Townsville, Big MattA (the A is for Alpha baby, and don't you forget it) is off in Mount Isa (being bad-ass on some mining companies I guess). And Big Keith C-S isn't answering email, so I suspect he's out of town too (being bad-ass on some minerals).

So I guess I'll be throwing on the Strand and having a drink somewhere no my own? And I don't have anywhere to stay?

Anyway, the point of this is that if you're in Townsville and want me to buy you a drink, get in touch.

UPDATED: Big Keith Spare-Room has come through, and is even picking me up at the airport. Hot dog.

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