Monday, April 19, 2010

Science and BUB - Together for the Win

The New York Times reminds us that there is little scientific evidence for "cooling down" being beneficial after exercise.

The concluding sentence:
"As for Dr. Tanaka, he does not cool down at all. He’s a soccer player and, he says, he sees no particular reason to do anything after exercising other than just stop."
The mansion-keeper has long argued that standing around gossiping (or better yet, creating a cheer) is the best way to conduct yourself after an Ultimate game.


Jules said...

Hear hear! If only this was published at the start of the Nats training season, rather than the end!

Pete said...

I'm sure everyone would agree with your not warming down and going home early Julz. If you turned up on time and warmed up instead :P

I reckon the jogging part of a warm down is not that useful, but a long slow stretch makes you less sore later on. Although I have felt rather dizzy after some long nonstop runs when the heart rate doesn't really get too high during the run, but then again I also feel dizzy getting out of bed so maybe I should cool down upon waking up in the morning by having a little nap...ah the real reason for the snooze button is revealed.