Thursday, May 31, 2007

To Do List

Here's the List
- Final preparation for Underworld (check courts, check regos, draft draw, find a whiteboard and clock, get rest of the prizes)
- Work out why yahoogroups isn't sending my final Underworld reminder after 36 hours
- Recruit for the Red Peppers Winter YUFL title bid
- Keep getting to Tuesday training
- Ensure Tony Ross is bringing an esky of joy for Rawhide tonight
- Get my Halibut party themes to the organising committee (currently, I like "Huge" as a party theme)
- Get my last issue of Australian Ultimate newsletter finished and out
- Find a new Australian Ultimate newsletter editor
- AFDA Board teleconference this Sunday night
- put the AFDA Annual Report together
- finish v2 of the 2008 Calendar paper
- draft AFDA Board Comms plan for the upcoming Board F2F
- Keep blogging

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