Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Wild Johnny Mac and the Rough Riders

So John McN is planning to break some steads at this year's Ultimate Stampede, and he wants to round up a posse to go with him!

Here's the deal (the last paragraph is the most important):

"Frisbee folk,

The Ultimate Stampede is a tournament that's been held in Bathurst for the last two years. It won Party of the Year (at the Australian Ultimate Awards) in 2007, and has been nominated for Tournament of the Year both times. It's not a competitive tourney as such - it's very much about having a fun time playing some frisbee. The first day is a teams tournament (i.e. you register with a team and play with them), the second is a hat tournament (i.e. teams are drawn "from a hat").

This year, it's happening on May 23-24. You can't fly to Bathurst direct, as far as I'm aware, but you can get $65 each way at the moment on QANTAS to Sydney. It's about a 3 hour drive - you'd be able to find a lift with a Sydney-sider. Note that because of the drive, it's probably best to get down Fri night (not Sat morn), and leave either as late as possible Sun night, or early Mon. Either that, or make a road-trip of it (if you've got the available time).

Travelling to tournaments is one of the most fun things about Ultimate, so I'd definitely encourage some others to join me. I'm just about to book my tickets. Hope some other Qlders can make it.


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