Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Griffith Nathan On Again Tonight

So we're off to the Griffith Nathan AFL field again tonight.

Lights on at 7pm and its free, so all welcome.

With UQ League finishing last week, and BPL players having had a week off, we're hoping for a good roll up of regular players - to help show the newbies that this Ultimate wheeze is the real thing.

A few folks turned up last week who led us to the Nathan Monday pickup group - a gang of about 20 friends who have a throw after 4pm on Mondays during semester. So we've invited them all along on Wednesday night.

Meanwhile the posters and flyers around campus have turned up several email inquiries this week. And maybe some of those touch footy kids who watched us instead of their grand final last week might decide to come and have a crack.

So lets hope its not too cold tonight! We might skip next week due to State of Origin, so this is the one to come too.

Why should you support the Nathan League?
- More Ultimate, of course, rocks.
- Getting Nathan happening can strengthen the local Uni scene - more IVs, more people to meet, more fun for Uni students.
- Under its grant from the Queensland Government, QUDA needs to develop several new centres of Ultimate by the end of 2010 - so getting Nathan happening helps us when we bid for more money in the future.
- The fields at Nathan are seriously sweet. Some of us worry about finding and keeping good fields around Brisbane. We have the chance to stake a claim here, so lets not waste it.

1 comment:

TomTom the Piper's Son said...


Too cold? TOO COLD?

I see on the forecast that it'll be about 17 degrees in the early evening in Brisbane tonight.

In Canberra, we will be playing in about 5 degrees. And loving it. Remember when we'd play in ZERO? And you'd be in shorts!?

Brisbane is making you soft, Jase. Tell them bananamunches to TOUGHEN THE F*&K UP!