Friday, May 28, 2010

Sars in Uganda

So a while back, the delightful Sara Carghill ventured off to Uganda, carrying with her a bunch of discs that folks in Brisbane donated. Here's what's happened since then.

Hi folks,

I really wanted to send out a massive thank you to everyone who donated a disc for me to take to Uganda - especially the Mcnaughton dynasty who once again demonstrated their limitless generosity!

I wish I had videoed the responses of some of the recipients - they were pretty happy!

I was actually very lucky and managed to make friends with a Peace Corps teacher who was already teaching Ultimate to her students. She was doing this with a couple of fairly sad looking discs, so to give each student a relatively shiny disc of their own made a huge difference to everyone's enthusiasm!

I was able to join in on a few of the games - these involved dodging the anthill mid field, avoiding the goat in the endzone, steering clear of the machete weilding sideline grass cutters and having such a cracking good time!

Just to let you know where the discs ended up:
1. A teachers college- they're aiming to get to the annual tournament in Kampala this year
2. A local school for the deaf

Thanks again!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Erm... title mistake?