Thursday, November 18, 2010

Poll Catch Up - Obscure Nicknames

A while back we had a bit of a fad using polls over on the east wing of the stately mansion, but we've been a bit slack about posting some of the results. So let's rectify this matter with a look back at the obscure nickname poll. It's not surprising we suppose that Wetnose won this poll. Wetties' nickname sounds a little bit rude, although apparently it comes from his skill and dedication to playing the position of 'puppy' in a defensive zone. That and that it can be difficult for the Australian accent to get the L's in 'Get moving Liam' or a 'Lay out Gillions' off the tongue quickly in a game situation.

There is probably more of a story about Dr Chris Burwell getting the 'Buzz' many many years ago. We'll hazard a guess its at least partially to do with his study of entomology, partly to do with his intense play, and partly aliteration with Burwell. Commenters may wish to put forward their own theories.

'Silent' George is obvious to anyone who's met him, particularly if they did so early in his days on the Ultimate scene. He's a quietly spoken fellow who doesn't say much, and runs very frickin' fast without betraying his location to those with ears.

The nickname of Jangles makes very little sense, until you discover that Adam's surname is Beu (pronounce "Bo"), and have a passing familiarity with the 60's era song "Mr Bojangles." We're not sure how many out there are familiar with early twentieth centry tap dancer Bill 'Bojangles' Robinson, but the description on Wikipedia seems to fit: "Audiences enjoyed his understated style ... rarely did he use his upper body, relying instead on busy, inventive feet and an expressive face".

We think Leon 'Fatty' McIntyre has landed Fatty to reflect the Australian tradition of reverse-nicknames - he's tall and skinny so they call him Fatty.

John 'Cheeseburger' McNaughton picked up the cheese following the Queensland u19 team nicknaming his dad, Bruce McNaughton, as Big Mac.

Think we're wrong? Got more info? Comments lines are open.


Mansauce said...

Surely your nickname of JDR would win this award Jason?

Anonymous said...

Buzz is a Bug Doctor?

JdR said...

Check this one, anonymous.

A nickname is a great way to separate your Ultimate tomfoolery from your professional life ...

On the other hand, there are some awesomely interesting people in our little frisbee community.

JdR said...

I would have thought JdR and Jason de Rooy were an obvious one, Mansauce.

The next version of this poll will of course feature Mansauce.

Michael said...

Can we get an explanation of the origins of Mansauce?

Mike said...

Neild scores first and second on the nickname poll, killing it.

wetnose said...

Jangles - the most self promoted nickname in Brisbane.

Luke said...

Silent - the least self promoted nickname in Brisbane.

dstrel said...

Funny thing about Jangles, in high school he insisted Beu was pronounced "Boy".

I guess he didn't want to be associated with this guy