Thursday, February 07, 2008

BPL2008 Preview: Dojo Mojo

The Brisbane Premiership League. Six teams. One trophy. One love - high level Ultimate! And glory and fame ever after!!

BPL kicks of its first season for 2008 on Thursday 14 February, and its an honour for the Brisbane Ultimate Blog to begin its preview of each team with the venerable Dojo Mojo.

Squad: (as at time of writing)
Captain: Stephen Cameron
New players: Mitch Carter (Rookie)
Returning players: Dave Watson, Stephen Hjelm, Matt Eastburn, Lee O'Dwyer, Andy McLean, Andy Lankowski, Phil Stocks, Luke Allen-Ankins, Dan Blacklock, Stefan Rapazzo, Mike Morgan, and Steve Pettit.
Departing players: Dom? Talk to us, man. Where in the world is Dom Ventura?

Other Stats, Notes and Trivia:

Dojo Mojo are the oldest continuous club in the BPL.

Dojo Mojo is the latest incarnation in the great tradition of the Cobra Kai Frisbee Dojo, which stretches nearly as far back as the game of Ultimate itself.

Dojo Mojo won the Div 2 "Plate" trophy at Nationals 2004.

Dojo Mojo won Northern Regionals 2006, and came 7th at Nationals 2006.

Dojo Mojo is the only frisbee team in the known world with its own team flag. This, along with the Dojo Mojo headbands, wristbands, caps, shirts and future items which remain secret at present, has eared Dojo Mojo the title of "Best Merchandised Team in Brisbane Ultimate Frisbee History".

It is the widely held view* that Dojo Mojo is the best-looking team in the southern hemisphere at the very least (we don't like to brag). Stefan's popularity with the ladies may have something to do with this.

It is no coincidence that there are seven players on the Dojo line in Ultimate, and there were seven samurai in Akira Kurosawa's great film "The Seven Samurai".

All Dojo Mojo plays are named after the wise sayings of Mr Miyagi.

Jack White once said that red, white and black is the most powerful colour combination in the world.

*Editor's note: I think this is a little unsubstantiated ;)


Simon Talbot said...

Doublewide and Barefoot have team flags, and I'm willing to bet there's more than them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Simon. There may be some exaggeration of the facts in the team trivia, but please rest assured this is purely in the interests of telling a good(ish) yarn...

Still, there are also plenty of solid truths in there, especially regarding Stefan's uncanny animal magnetism...

Flashflight said...

Let's print that "flag" logo on some Flashflight discs as night time animal magnetism beacons.

Anonymous said...

The two Andy's have way more charm with the ladies than crazy Stefan.