Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Google Crazy

So after a long time getting around to it, I've started to use the Google analytics tools to find out about the sorts of reader traffic we're getting here at the Brisbane Ultimate Blog.

Two weeks in and there's some interesting stats.

Tuesday is the most popular day for reading the blog. I guess that's because the weekend is for Ultimate, and Monday is for recovering from Ultimate.

About half the traffic comes from search engines, which surprised me. I was expecting people to have us in their favourites and click here directly, but it seems only a quarter of visitors do that. I guess most of you are wanderers, rather than creatures of habit.

The other quarter come here via links from other sites, which also surprised me. After and (the latter would have come from links on the bottom yahoogroups emails I guess), high on the list was the US College site Cultimate – its probably helpful that they do their links alphabetically, and some curious readers there seem willing to click on anything ('Wonder what this "Brisbane" thing is?'). Disappointingly, nobody seems to be clicking through from Seppo's Ultitalk (where I post occasionally) or Rueben's blog (although Owen seems to find us from his site). Hi to too.

But it’s the search terms that lead people here that are the most entertaining.

First, there's the obvious and expected: "brisbane ultimate disc", "dingoes ultimate disc", "frizby toowong club brisbane", "ultimate disc blog", "firestorm ultimate", "mixed hat Brisbane" and so on.

Next there's a surprising group that find famous Brisbane Ultimate folk by googling them.

Clearly we need to increase our coverage of one particular guy – "Alistair Don Brisbane" was in fact the most popular search term that brought people to the site. Yeah Al. We'll be arranging the photo shoot as soon as possible.

Then there was "maylin chuah ultimate" and "ultimate Brisbane maylin", "jenny beard Brisbane", "Jason de Rooy blog", "jonathan potts Frisbee", "shawn robb Brisbane", "big mike neild ultimate" and "the ultimate john mcnaughton" (perhaps looking for the best Johnny Mac available). For these, finding this here blog was probably useful in some way or other.

Plus there seemed to be a few to not have a particular Ultimate or Brisbane bent – "emma bendall" (searched for several times) and "rena kuwahata" (still greatly missed) – perhaps these two have global fan clubs or something. "Mel Gangemi" has a fan too it seems. We'll obviously need to increase the Emma, Rena and Mel content on the site.

Then, there's a bit of a tangent into what the internet and search engines seem to do best – search terms of perhaps dubious intent.

"Danielle love" – well, I can understand that one I guess – Danielle is lovely.

"Aussie beach sex" and "Aussie ho" – well, I flagged that when we posted about the women's beach team.

"Brisbane ultimate sex" seems reasonable if misdirected, as does "spirited sultry women", although "Maylin Ultimate sex" seems slightly more concerning.

Unfortunately it goes (entertainingly) down hill from here. "shagger good Brisbane" – ok, sure, we have some Jon Good around, but then "wet jangle Australia", "spiderpig fucking" and "wet nose sex Brisbane" are encouraging me to revise the use of certain words.

My favourite search that brought someone here? "Is halibut safe?" probably brought a surprise for the searcher. Let me assure you, the Halibut tournament is excellent.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that Jenny Beard isn't the most famous. Or Steve Cameron. How cum you don't do them?

Simon Talbot said...

I'm willing to bet most of them can be attributed to people vanity searching (Googling their own names).